Accident Claims

The other important factor is that the accident must have been caused by someone who has been negligent in their actions. This means you have someone against whom you can claim. Certain people have specific responsibilities and standards that they are expected to uphold. This includes taxi drivers and restaurant operators who have a duty of care towards you while you are a customer. If an accident results from their failure to maintain that duty of care at a proper level, you will have a claim should you sustain a serious injury or illness.
The case will be won or lost on you being able to prove the accident was caused by the defendant and also being able to demonstrate the extent and consequences of the injuries you have sustained. To prove the former, it's as well to have as many witnesses as possible who will attest to what happened. Getting witness statements at the time of the accident is a good idea because the details are more likely to be fresh in the minds of the witnesses. Over time, memories fade and details become less clear, leading to conflicting statements from witnesses that will hinder rather than help your claim. The prevalence of mobile phones may be an advantage because someone may just have a picture of the event.
Providing evidence of the extent of your injuries may be down to a doctor or other medical practitioner. Photographs are good, preferably while the injuries are still "fresh" (if you'll pardon the bluntness) i.e. have not already started to heal. Loss of income can usually be proved by information provided by your employer or accountant.
The aim is to build up as much evidence as possible to support your accident claim. The more there is, the better the chance that your claim will succeed. It also gives more likelihood of the claim being progressed on a 'no win, no fee' basis, which means you have no risk of incurring a high level of unexpected costs.
Here are some organisations relating to claiming in the UK:
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Accident Injury Claims: We are all familiar with the advertisements on television, telling us about how we can claim compensation if we are involved in an accident which was not our fault. Claims about how fees are charged and that consumers will ...
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No Win No Fee: The concept of no win, no fee compensation claims came to the UK in 1995, shifting the cost of claims from the legal aid system. It also removed the need for an independent regulator who assessed whether there was a reasona...

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