Recommended Reading
Over the past 20 years we've written hundreds of articles about the legal industry. Here are a selection about individual firms. Whilst we obviously have not used all of their services, we have worked with many of them and can point out general tips for researching which firm to use and what questions to ask:A City Law Firm Ltd Review: The Legal 500 is one name you might have spotted on a lot of legal professional websites. So if you see clearer statements like those on A City Law Firm's site then tack on a couple of extra brownie points. Their organisation provides an excellent range of user side...
ACSL Solicitors Ltd Review: You can easily end up with a 1-year qualified solicitor from a 150-year-old firm. However, that is not the case. We know this does happen alot with property matters, where clients of the other side start leaving negative messages about the buyer seller's solicitor. ...
Amy King Legal Review: Certainly when confronted with a very friendly 5-year experienced solicitor after just speaking to an incredibly curt 40-year veteran - you will be tempted to use the less experienced but more approachable person. But always make sure you are on the correct website and do no...
Scotland Injury Solicitors from Baker Hardman Review: So we always recommend reading through comments when looking up a firm rather than simply flicking through star ratings. So keep aware.. As most fraud related to legal services happens via email. Their office is in Glasgow but if you enter a phrase such as "baker hardman ...
Brian Barr Solicitors Review: One of the problems when trying to find a law firm to help with a case is the similarities between each firm's website. class="infoquote "Leading https: conditions fibromyalgia " Fibromyalgia< a>, CRPS, Chronic Pain & Critical Illness Lawyers"< div> ...
Brodies LLP Solicitors Review: Sometimes people are https: news article-12995257 british-woman-channel-5-swindled-home-spain-fraudsters-hack.html" handing over their entire house deposit< a> to a fraudster simply because they received an official-looking email stating the bank payme...
Calio Claims Review: If you are looking for information or reviews about the firmm Google has change a little recently and you may have to enter the location as well as the firm's nam. For the new generations of potential clients looking up a law firm on the internet, they are simply mo...
Cook Legal Ltd Review: So you may wish to bookmark the site just in case you are coming back later. People are always quick to post a review of the last pizza place they just ate at. provide expert legal advice, delivered in an approachable, straight-talking way, backed by a high standard of cli...
Crockett & Co Solicitors Review: Also note that they are listed as 'Crockett Ltd' with organisations such as The Law Society page we link to above. The Law Society of England & Wales lists most firms providing their contact information, areas of law covered, and a list of registered solicitors within the fi...
Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Review: If you've flicked through a few of our articles already you'll hopefully have noticed that we try to mix reviews of any firm with general information that might help you make a decision about which firm to use. One firm may say "established in 1881" while another says "40 ye...
Defank Solicitors Review: Defank is https: organisation people 21827 defank-solicitors" registered there< a> and you are able to look up the qualification dates, expertise, and languages spoken by any solicitor within the firm. There are hundreds of websites out...
Dispute Resolver Consultancy Review: Not least because it can cover every single area of law from family disputes to an argument with a shop keeper. More from the Citizens Advice site: class="infoquote "The main advantages of solving a problem with ADR are: it's usually cheaper, more flexible, faster and...
Clarkson Wright & Jakes Ltd Review: People have handed https: money 2023 oct 07 i-lost-240000-uk-victims-share-their-stories" their entire house deposit to fraudsters< a>. Solicitor Emily Carey at the firm is listed as having qualified in 1989, Alison Hall in 1994, Keith Doherty in 2004,...
Drummond Miller LLP Review:
class="infoquote "great value considering all the effort they expended on our behalf"
"always willing to answer any questions"
"straight forward, professional and won my appeal"
"regularly kept us informed by email on how the case was progressing"< div>
Eatons Solicitors Review: It's common for some of the largest, most popular conveyancing firms in the country to have 2 or 3 star average ratings. They also seem to have bought other variants such as which is actually much more helpful and security conscious than you migh...
EDC Lord & Co Solicitors Review: This is especially important in today's digital age, where many people rely on their smartphones and tablets to access information online. There is also a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that addresses common questions and concerns clients may have.
Make sure ...
EMD Law LLP Review: We just rarely find good comments in the hand-picked testimonials. Not just fill a form in with a junior member of staff. We've covered https: " Direct Access< a> barristers and even paralegal firms which both can result in lower costs.
England & Derbyshire LLP Review: The .com does not redirect you there though and as you can see, the "&" part of the name is not in the web address. Those are very different from each other. England and Derbyshire's website does state a few such comments:
class="infoquote "made me feel like I could ...
Eve Lake Conveyancing & Legal Services Review: However, if you already know there might be legal issues surrounding your sale such as a boundary dispute or if the sellers are getting divorced - then the extra legal expertise a solicitor brings could be necessary.
class="infoquote "Here at Eve Lake Conveyancing & L...
Farah Family Law Review: An example of a law firm we can 100% agree is https: commentary-and-opinion rise-of-specialist-law-firms 5041463.article" specialist< a>. The short list on the firm's website includes Divorces (Contested and Uncontested), financial settlements, Pre-nu...
Foster & Coleman Ltd Review: There are several similarly named firms such as 'foster & foster' and 'foster law' that popped up while we were searching. If you've already flicked through a dozen law firm websites today looking for one that can help you with your case, you may have noticed that most of th...
Frei Solicitors Review: But the thing about https: terms h hnwi.asp" high net worth< a> individuals is that they usually have a range of assets all worth more than a regular person's (like everyone working at 1to1Legal) main and often only investment - their house. Because w...
Girlings Solicitors LLP Review: Some examples: Girlings' Jeremy Burke qualified in 1988, Kathryn Kennell in 1996, Michelle Meakin in 2009, right up to Steevi Henderson's relatively recent qualification in 2017. But as phrases such as No Win No Fee became the standard, the number of law firms opening up sep...
Garden Stirling Burnet Solicitors Ltd Review: Unfortunately, not all firms are very clear about this and there are firms using the word "specialist" despite only have a couple of solicitors on staff but trying to cover a dozen or so case types. In recent years conveyance solicitors and their clients have been the target...
Harrison's Solicitors Review:
class="infoquote "The transaction will be handled by our qualified conveyancing solicitors from beginning to end."< div>
This is also a statement nearly every firm will make but you can actually check up on this one independently. However, this is more impressi...
HCR Legal LLP Review:
class="infoquote "Clients value our honesty, commercially focused advice and hard work."< div>
To check up on any statements a firm makes about happy clients, people usually turn to the public review boards . It's dedicated to helping people who have been inju...
Heritage Park Family Law Ltd Review: So when you see Heritage Park offering out of hours appointments - that is something helpful other firms may not be offering.
class="infoquote "We know family law"< div>
Luckily there are independent sources to check whether a firm has actual experienced, qual...
Horsley Law Review: But if you don't find many reviews of a firm, don't take that as a negative sign. Some are data collectors who then sell your information on to law firms. They are a limited firm and https: consumers register organisation ?sraNumber=629429#headingFirmNames" ...
Kee Solicitors Ltd Review:
class="infoquote "Our experienced family lawyers will listen and understand your circumstances, before agreeing a plan to achieve the best outcome for you and your family."< div>
There is an amazing resource online that provides you with a wealth of details abo...
QualitySolicitors Large & Gibson Review:
A quick note on navigation. The brand could be 120 years while all their solicitors qualified 6 months ago.
class="infoquote "We are dedicated to making the process as hassle free as possible for our clients."< div>
The obvious place to check out claims s...
LS Legal Solicitors Ltd Review:
class="infoquote "we cooperate with our trusted partners who can assist with accountancy, investment management, legal funding, franchise and other services"< div>
. But how can you tell the difference?
class="infoquote "offering a wide range of legal services...
Lyons Solicitors Review:
class="infoquote "Specialising in Residential and Commercial Conveyancing, Family Law, Personal Injury, Wills & Probate and Powers of Attorney."< div>
This is another word that can confuse people when it comes to legal services - 'specialising'. A firm that dea...
Mark Croft Solicitor Review:
class="infoquote "I have been involved in the criminal justice system for over 28 years."< div>
First is this quote above from Mark Croft's website. It's like finding a dentist that still accepts NHS patients! In our opinion, still taking Legal Aid in this hosti...
Marsden Rawsthorn Solicitors Review: Most firms will use words such as 'modern', 'friendly' and 'professional'. This is incredibly useful for checking whether the solicitor you are speaking to or the one going to be assigned to your case has the experience and expertise to do the job. If a firm handles Proper...
McCarthy + Co LLP Review: Sometimes simply because they received an official looking email that said to change the bank payment details at the last minute. We had an issue trying to get reviews to come up on Google's site. So the phrase 'award-winning' is not of itself meaningful. So what are they s...
SG Murphy Solicitors Review: These are just little things but you need to keep vigilant - especially with property matters.
class="infoquote "At SG Murphy Solicitors we want to provide a level of customer service that will exceed your expectations. Thousands of people have https:
Nero Legal Ltd Review: But when you think about it, are there any firms that would claim to offer 'impractical, out of date advice and cost movers more'? It's unlikely. Which is quite striking because when we checked, they had a 4.5 star rating with https: search?q=nero+legal+glas...
MPG Quantity Surveyors Ltd Review: Often testimonials supplied by the firm are not taken as seriously as those on public review boards. For many people across the UK, the idea of obtaining legal services still brings to mind a downtown high street office with people with big desks and expensive suits talking ...
Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors Review: So NJS don't just have 'experience', they have a range of experience levels.
'Experience' length of times can also be worded very differently on sites and we think Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors have done themselves a dis-service in how they've worded theirs.
Oakwood Solicitors Ltd Review: This should mean everyone has a much wider range of choice when it comes to getting help. So pay attention and certainly never change payment details based on an 'official-looking' email.. You could get a 1-year qualified lawyer from a 100-year-old brand name. Those were som...
PCS Legal Ltd Review:
This resource may be a useful to bear in mind when trying to decide between conveyancers. Solicitors may work with The Law Society. But at the time of writing the firm had an average star rating of 3.9 which might be confusing. It introduces a regulatory name many ma...
Sarah Rostamlou-Andrews Law Review: As a law professional targeting business clients, there are various ways of getting in touch with Sarah such as https: in sarah-rostamlou-andrews-014482100" her LinkedIn profile< a>.
Another note on navigation. A solicitor is a qualified position....
Solidaire Solicitors Review: As you can see they are generally positive. It's not always easy with Google.
class="infoquote "friendly, no hassle, and fast, with no hidden costs"
"professional and easy to talk to"
"I was well informed and comfortable throughout the process"
"very thorough an...
Sternberg Reed LLP Review: Titles such as 'Summer holidays: The rights of parents and carers" and 'Til death do us part – financial provision when a spouse or former spouse dies' . Stating a larger size of firm can convey the idea of considerable resources for your case and a wide range of talen...
Thomas and Thomas Solicitors Ltd Review: This can be incredibly useful in sifting out those with real experience and real specialism versus those attempting a jack-of-all-trades approach to law. Or 'founded in 1920' which makes the firm sound as though they have experience, but the solicitor you get could have ...
The Law Partnership Solicitors Review: Here's the first quote from their site we'll discuss:
class="infoquote "The Law Partnership Solicitors have been based in Coventry, West Midlands for 20 years"< div>
It may be surprising to learn that not all firms state a level of experience . For our example ...
TWB Probate Solicitors Review:
The official site is which is HTTPS secure for submitting your personal details on their contact form. As you can see from https: office 2235 twbprobatesolicitors-limited" the page on this firm< a> - solici...
UVS Law Review:
This includes Business Immigration such as Sponsorship Licences and Skilled Workers, Personal Immigration such as Partner Routes (e.g. The Act replaced previous immigration laws and introduced new regulations regarding immigration and citizenship. Each category has dif...
Walker Foster Solicitors Review: When looking these up though, Google has made some changes. Remember, at one point people believed smoking was good for you. Walker Foster has a staff page on their website where you can read about each individual staff member but they also provide direct contact details ...
Waterstone Partnership Solicitors Ltd Review:
But even if the firm you're checking on does have a website, we still recommend https: organisation people 606048 waterstone-partnership-solicitors?Solicitors=True" taking a look at< a> the law society's site. This includes any alternat...
Wildcat Law Ltd Review: The official website we link to above is which is https secure for submitted your details in the contact form, but does not redirect you there.
Whilst many firms claim huge histories with tag lines such as 'established in 1881'...
Wilford Smith Solicitors Review: This was true for all industries, not just law. To start with, if you want to see reviews about a firm on Google these days you have to enter the office location of the firm as well as their name. Those are merely claims about the firm's branding having existed for a really ...
Wolf Law Solicitors Review:
class="infoquote "Our expert team of personal injury specialists can help with any type of claim."< div>
Luckily for the English and Welsh, the national Law Society has an amazing website full of userside data to help you verify a firm's claims about 'experts' ...
WYM Legal Ltd Review: According to the organisation's website, they 'deliver effective regulation of specialist conveyancing and probate lawyers ... That includes any alternate trading names, contact details, all office locations, and languages spoken. If you've trawled through even just a handf...
All Law Ltd Review: Here are some snippets:
class="infoquote "very professional in a very relaxed way"
"explained everything clearly"
"knowledgeable, patient, friendly and approachable"
"makes the information clear and easy to understand"< div>
One of the most important thi...
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