Recommended Reading: Page 2
Over the past 20 years we've written hundreds of articles about the legal industry. Here are a selection about individual firms. Whilst we obviously have not used all of their services, we have worked with many of them and can point out general tips for researching which firm to use and what questions to ask:ABS Lawyers Ltd Review: For example legal matters such as a wills or debt recovery or bankruptcy don't always result in a solicitor as being your best first point of contact. class="infoquote "ABS Lawyers are a law firm with over 85 years of combined experience"< div> There are typi...
Antony Hodari Solicitors Review: To us that's a bit of a cheat. If we do discover it, we'll let you know. Almost a 'crusade' mentality. class="infoquote "Founded in Manchester in 1984, we have over 35 years experience of helping the public with their legal claims and have recovered well over £100 mill...
Argue & Co Legal Review: So when you see firms offering such on their website, don't just flick over it like it's nothing . The legal industry genuinely is one where the wheels of progress and modernisation turn a lot slower. We've seen a criminal defense firm insulted for not taking someone's divo...
Backhouse Solicitors Review: etc. class="infoquote "Book your free 30 - minute Consultation"< div> We're still very surprised that this offer from Backhouse's solicitors is something we can praise. We always explain and backup anything we cover in this series of articles which is aimed at h...
Beers LLP Review: Unlike hairdressers or restaurants, law firms can end up with negative reviews from the side they beat in a case. If you https: office 462733 beers-llp" check out the page< a> for the firm you're interested in you'll be able to see other offic...
Bell Lax Solicitors Review: In fact for most of them no comments were left at all - just a low star rating which we always think is just plain unhelpful. So within the firm there will be a solicitor expert in Family Law, one expert in Personal Injury, one expert in Criminal Law, and so on. class...
BLZ Solicitors Review: But on scrolling through the personal background information it quickly turns out to actually be quite relevant . BLZ Ltd is the same firm, it's just their official Limited registered name. is the official site we link to above and currently www.blzs...
Branch Austin McCormick LLP Review: If you https: organisation people 6629 branch-austin-llp?Solicitors=True" check out the page< a> for any firm on the law society's site you can see alternate trading names, other office locations, staff names, languages spoken and (most import...
Bridge McFarland LLP Review: The negative ones all seemed to relate to delays in a house purchase. However, in our last poll only 9% of you said you trusted any reviews on a company's own website. It's not worth the risk. . Always bear these sorts of things in mind. If you look up https: solicitors.l...
Buchanan & Co Solicitors Review: But according to our poll a few years back only 8% of you put any stock in company provided reviews. Also while the firm's branding uses an ampersand, such characters https: blog post the-symbols-of-brand-domain-confusion" don't exist< a> in web addresses ...
QualitySolicitors Burton & Co Review: Currently neither or get you there. But rather than simply place an extra logo on each law firm's website - they all put the words quality solicitors in front of their name. Each Saturday we offer a drop in service where you can co...
CEL Solicitors Review:
It's always great to have options and many of those just mentioned could save considerable time and money over a regular 'high street' law office. Even though those are both types of litigation case - the disparity between the number of firms willing to help for e...
Cooks Solicitors Review: That can surely only be a positive thing? class="infoquote "Each matter we deal with is given personal attention by a solicitor ..."< div> A quick note on navigation again though as this firm has it's own official site at (with a hyphen)...
David Stinson & Co Review: The most commonly checked are https: search?q=David+Stinson+%26+Co&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=David+Stinson+%26+Co&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2j0i22i30i457j0i22i30j69i59.840j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x47df347b954543ed:0x83e17f72b53b5edb,1,,," Goo... Review: We've talked a lot before about 'specialist' law firms. 'No win, no fee' and '100% compensation' are two very different offers. class="infoquote "Depending on the solicitor we refer you to, the No Win, No Fee success fee is 25%-50%+VAT."< div> This may sound li...
Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd Review: They have a similar one under Personal Injury matters, but every single firm these days should run a compensation claim case completely free of charge . Of course some firms have started putting their pet's names and favourite foods in profiles. Nor do any of the hyphentate...
Fair Result Ltd Review: class="infoquote "It reduces the stress and emotion, speeds up the process and above all, it reduces costs."< div> At this point we started searching around for customer reviews about the firm. Unfortunately Google was being it's usual awkward self because of the ...
Frazer Coogans Ltd Review: Unlike tech companies , food outlets, streaming services, or practically any company these days where the newer they are the more popular they seem to get - the legal industry still seems to push that older is better. If you look at the last quoted positive review abo...
Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents Review: Don't just flick through star ratings. But we would have thought it common sense to phone your actual conveyancing firm to confirm such BEFORE transferring tens of thousands of pounds to bank details you've just been emailed. If a firm says 'we've been helping people for o...
Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Review: You could end up with a 1-year qualified newbie lawyer from a 200-year old firm, or a 40-year veteran from a 1-year old newly set up practice. Therefore if you see a law firm has hardly any or even zero reviews online, that shouldn't necessarily be taken as a negative ...
Guardian Law Review: That's a good four decades of combined experience between them. They provide a wide range of data on each law firm and legal professional registered with them including all business aliases, alternate contact details, speciality case types, and qualification dates of the s...
Hawkridge & Company Review: It's definitely something to keep in mind whenever you're checking for reviews about any firm that handles property matters. As already pointed out in the last paragraph, the firm seems to be referred to quite interchangably online as both Hawk Law and Hawkridge & Company....
Hill House Chambers Review: So the fact this company receives praise from both direct public clients as well as other law firms that have used them to handle their own cases - is certainly notable. The main website is at which we link to above. For the case types they...
HooperHyde Review: It's very common. class="infoquote "I wanted to feel like I was making a difference to my clients, building relationships with them, and seeing things through from start to finish."< div> That's a quote from the firm's founder, Catherine Hyde, about the goals of ...
Jacobs Law Solicitors Review: You can also see what each solicitor specialises in. The obvious idea they try to stick in your head is that the longer a firm had been established, the more experience must be within the firm. However for all three - they're quite meaningless. For example: class=...
JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd Review: This is often referred to as a 'conditional fee' arrangement and will typically be around 25% of your settlement. The official website is currently but does not redirect there. No win, no fee means there are no fees should your case lose...
KRS Estate Planning Ltd Review: class="infoquote "As well as English, I can also offer advice in Gujarati and Hindi, both of which I am fluent in."< div> Hopefully from the information so far it should be clear why we were quite happy to add this firm to our database of legal service providers....
Lefevres Law Review: None of the expected typos such as seemed to be owned by anyone just now either. Even the most cursory search on the web will show that Lefevres only just became https: company SC683368 officers" listed wi...
Mackenzie Jones Solicitor Review: (More on that later.) Staff profiles are something we always recommend law firms to provide and these are excellent examples of the information consumers really want. class="infoquote "Our story began in 2000 with a small office ... If you are searching for a...
Mckie Legal Review: If you scroll to the bottom of the page you'll usually see a statement like this one. So this seemingly innocuous sentence is actually worth quite a few brownie points . Scammers convince people selling their house that they need to pay the deposits into fraudulent bank acc...
Michael Leighton Jones Review: Comments like that aren't very helpful at all. For some reason, those clients go right ahead and send tens of thousands of pounds to the fraudsters without checking with the solicitor if that email was genuine. Plus, how old the building or the brand name is has no bearing ...
Milners Solicitors Review: class="infoquote "with our combined strength and determination we are always committed to delivering the results you need."< div> The biggest thing for most people when choosing a service online is the reviews. They also handle commercial matters including Busine...
MJV & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: Some variants such as are owned by different companies. The site has other sales language that is definitely common across those of its peers. But one thing we did notice as a recurring theme across them all was 'Natalie' being named and thanked regularly. If ...
My Law Matters Review: That can be a huge help because for some reason, law firms are quite obsessed with quoting founding dates. Of course, even when firms do this they typically only copy the positive reviews to paste on their own website. Seasoned expert hands alongside fresh legs. The titul...
OneLaw Chambers Review: Unlike other industries such as leisure or retail - law firms can end up with negative comments from their competitors, the losing side in a case, and even people who were told their case was nonsense. Fortunately, the legal industry itself has managed to bounce back with a...
Pacific Law Review: So public comments from previous clients will probably not be available for some time. This is an area of law where we do think a specialist firm can be of benefit, the same as with something like Motor Offences. The official website we link to above is www.pacificlaw...
Rose Fendlen Law Review: Sadly Google was showing adverts at the top for some of our searches so watch out for that. Many companies have created Testimonial pages on their website. We've covered the differences between the various types of litigation funding fees cost reclaiming in other articles bu...
Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors Review: The former will bring up the correct firm during related searches no problem. The https: " Cycling Solicitors< a> website mentioned above is the same firm, just showcasing their extra interest in cycling related injury claims . there are plenty of o...
Simper Law Ltd Review: For example several are related litigation matters (e.g. Kim Simper comes up as having qualified as a solicitor in 1992, with Sally Riches qualifying in 2001, and Victoria Rose-Smart in 2016. class="infoquote "Victoria is the perfect Solicitor and will fight your corne...
Smith and Graham Solicitors Review: Make sure you're on the correct site and don't discuss bank details or payments via email.. Unfortunately some negative ratings had no comments with them in order to know if the complaint was valid or even about the correct firm. Smith and Graham have 'Team' pages w...
Brown and Co Solicitors Review: So what are people saying about the firm on the independent boards:
class="infoquote "answer phonecalls and reply emails almost immediately and even on weekends"
"never had to call him as he always kept me updated via email or text"
"license was granted on that ve...
Springle & Co Solicitors Review: On top of that, families are much further away from the stereotypical husband wife 2.6 children arrangement of old. Those who did any future planning would typically get a basic will written and maybe take out life insurance (while taking advantage of whatever inheritance-ta...
Stowe Family Law Review:
The second impressive thing we'd point out is the firm's opening hours. You have to search for your specific local office to see reviews about it only. All other variants we checked such as were for totally different services too so we can't think of an...
Summerfield Browne Solicitors Review: Plus, errors in the web bar may take you to a totally different site. The law advice you get needs to be spot on as well. Why not call us today for a free quote."< div>
There is quite a bit of information on Summerfield Browne's site including https: www.summerfieldb...
Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: So how do Swain & Co look on the public forums?
class="infoquote "I sent an email request and was answered with the hour as were my multiple replies"
"My son has been released from prison after 12+ years of an IPP sentence"
"very good as they explain everyt...
Taylor Price Solicitors Review: For example, when most people are charged with a motoring offence they will immediately look for a 'specialist' firm . Taylor Price has a group of lawyers who joined the profession in every one of the last four decades. Another was a finalist for Best Professional in Busine...
Thaxted Legal Ltd Review: You never know what scammers will think of next.. Immigration is an area of law like Divorce and Motor Offences where people really do want an expert. So what indications are there that this firm is a better choice than others?
class="infoquote "Our sole area of pra...
Stephanie Heijdra Review:
class="infoquote "conscientious, approachable and methodical in her approach"
"She was quick to turn the case around in my favour and the outcome was great"
"Gained more than I was expecting"
"I felt supported during the delicate situation I am experiencin...
The Legal Practice Ltd Review: There is also a huge amount of people that leave negative reviews about the other side's solicitor during a house transaction which seems incredibly unfair because they've usually obtained their negative opinion from their own solicitor blaming every issue on the other side....
Trojan Solicitors Ltd Review:
class="infoquote "We have expertise at all levels of immigration."< div>
Reading through the firm's website there are several statements like this along with clarifications about how well they are acquainted with the immigration system in the UK. For all we know...
ULA Solicitors Ltd Review: The main concept that stood out to us was that the firm certainly lives up to it's claims about not shying away from more complex cases . For any firm listed you'll be able to see alternate contact details, all office locations, cases handled, languages spoken, and more. We...
WH Solicitors Review: That is not always an incorrect use of the word. The firm's official website is but is for a completely different firm.
Does this translate into happy clients? Sadly for all solicitors, barristers, paralegals, and other leg...
Two Harcourt Buildings Review: No firm is going to claim it is archaic, inefficient, and unfriendly. If you've already been through a dozen other law firm's sites before reaching this article and have started to think just how alike they all seem to be in both language and imagery - this will be a happy ...
Woodstock Legal Services Review:
This is important to note because this firm handles conveyancing which has been the subject of https: static connected-families conveyancing-email-scam-hackers-steal-house-deposit " huge amounts of scams< a> in recent years.
Whilst there is a...
Youngs Solicitors Review: Certainly The Law Society doesn't just hand them out to every practice that joins their network, and seeing a Law Society accreditation mark on a law firm's website can certainly indicate they keep a very high level of standards . There are essentially three ways a case ra...
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