Recommended Reading: Page 2
Over the past 20 years we've written hundreds of articles about the legal industry. Here are a selection about individual firms. Whilst we obviously have not used all of their services, we have worked with many of them and can point out general tips for researching which firm to use and what questions to ask:ABS Lawyers Ltd Review: They really actively target and can properly communicate with (and therefore surely better represent) Polish speaking claimants. Two examples are Jenna Hargreaves and Dilip Raveendran, lawyers at the firm who qualified in 2010. Second the firm can state they have been 'provi...
Antony Hodari Solicitors Review: Antony Hodari himself qualified in 1981, Emma Rees in 2000, right up to Rozina Bibi who qualified in 2017. So you should get the correct firm popping up on most expected searches. Antony Hodari Solicitors are a very niche firm covering just one specific case type within th...
Argue & Co Legal Review: We've seen conveyancing firms with over a thousand reviews on a single review site. This can make it harder and you need to read the actual comments when it comes to lawyer reviews - not just flick through stars. class="infoquote "When we can, we operate a no-...
Backhouse Solicitors Review: We always explain and backup anything we cover in this series of articles which is aimed at helping people find the right tools and frame of reference when choosing a firm. (That's mighty praise from our Scottish firm!) It means that when you see statements like this (above)...
Beers LLP Review: For example at Beers you'll see solicitors such as Paul Housego who qualified in 1978, Richard Jones (qualified 1996), Helen O'Leary (2009), and Sonia Hems (2011). So how can you tell if a firm has a good amount of experience if the founding dates are not a good point o...
Bell Lax Solicitors Review: This can be very confusing, but 9 times out of 10 the firm is well within it's rights to use the word. If you check out the page for this firm you'll see a range of experienced staff covering almost all of the last three decades. Again, the fact they bought both domain...
BLZ Solicitors Review: class="infoquote "Your case will be handled personally by a Partner from start to finish with expert advice provided."< div> Clients always want this sort of attention from any firm, but statements such as these can also indicate that the firm is a small one. On...
Branch Austin McCormick LLP Review: For example, you would never see a bad review for Pizza Hut saying 'they wouldn't sell me a hamburger! ridiculous!!'. There was plenty of other things to like about Branch Austin McCormick which is why they've been added to our database of solicitors. So giving the im...
Bridge McFarland LLP Review: It's not worth the risk. . Depending on which browser you use a typo can end up with you seeing adverts for other firms if not simply pushing you directly to the wrong site. Always bear these sorts of things in mind. The first means the firm or the solicitor within the firm...
Buchanan & Co Solicitors Review: While many people are quite happy to provide bucketloads of detail in reviewing a restaurant - they are less likely to give helpful details about their bankruptcy, criminal defence, or messy divorce. But according to our poll a few years back only 8% of you put any stock in ...
QualitySolicitors Burton & Co Review: And Burton & Co became QualitySolicitors Burton & Co. class="infoquote "Acted quickly and very professional" "Things were moved quickly and Felicity was always on the ball" "Fast, efficient and helpful" "was very helpful and I would recommend anyone who...
CEL Solicitors Review: A quick note on navigation. For all we knew, by claiming to be 'featured' in these publications the firm could simply have purchased ad space in all of them. The firm has https: case-studies " a dedicated page< a> showcasing a range of various ca...
Cooks Solicitors Review: Of course, the first point of call for most people are the prior customer reviews when they are checking out any service provider. They are certainly meaningless, but also often completely tenuous too. There are other law firms with 'cook' in them such as Cooks La...
David Stinson & Co Review: But a lower number of reviews or even zero is something you will see for most law firms. They provide all trading names of a firm, alternate office locations, other contact details, languages spoken, and the qualification dates of any solicitors within the firm. It should be... Review: Many people assume that every litigation firm or compensation claim advertising lawyer will take on such cases - but they simply don't. Then there are firms that have several specialist solicitors who handled specific case types but all working under the same brand name umbr...
Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd Review: The main points you need can often be gained from a local Law Society. But it's really not a negative sign if a law firm you're looking up has few or even zero online comments about them. John Houghton at this firm qualified in 1975, Rajesh Nair in 1999, right up to Ab...
Fair Result Ltd Review: But you never know what fraudsters are going to think up next though so just keep aware and never dicuss payments via email . This gives you our undivided attention."< div>. On top of that they provide free work up front to show what they can do and then fixed fee agreement...
Frazer Coogans Ltd Review: We've said it before but it's worth saying again - in our opinion 'established in ...' dates absolutely do not matter. They provide alternate contact details, other trading names, languages spoking, qualification dates of all solicitors within the firm, and more. There are a...
Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents Review: The biggest conveyancer in the UK which we reviewed last week has a Google rating of just 3.1 stars at the time of writing. Just https: find-a-solicitor ?Name=fulton&Postcode=&type=firm" some search results< a> class="infoquote "We have been helpi...
Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Review: The answer isn't completely black and white, but certainly there is enough anecdotal evidence from our 20+ years in the industry to make the claim that people have found better results with specialist Motor Offence, Divorce, and Medical Negligence firms. Always remember th...
Guardian Law Review: They are an excellent resources and we absolutely recommend checking through them. Plus this would also indicate they stay very much up to date with the huge number of changes constantly affecting businesses in the UK and internationally. class="infoquote "We have b...
Hawkridge & Company Review: Because we spotted a few negative comments that were followed by Hawkridge & Co stating that person was not a client of theirs. Most firms around the UK are signed up to at least one law society. Hawkridge & Co on the other hand have big clear logos at the bottom of...
Hill House Chambers Review: We ran a poll a few years back and the number of people that trusted company provided customer testimonials wasn't even in the double digits. But the Bar Standards Board is far less consumer oriented. There are accountants that can help with tax law matters, budget will writ...
HooperHyde Review: As stated above though, for legal services that should not be taken as a negative sign. If you look up https: office 12633 clp-group-limited" the page for Carbon Law Partners< a> (CLP) you'll see a list of trading names, offices, solicitors wi...
Jacobs Law Solicitors Review: Again, you would think this to be common practice amongst all firms. The obvious idea they try to stick in your head is that the longer a firm had been established, the more experience must be within the firm. You can also see what each solicitor specialises in. e.g. Wh...
JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd Review: That's because whilst people are more than happy to jump online and let people know about their lovely waitress or great local car wash - they are far less likely to rush onto the internet and broadcast about their messy divorce, bankruptcy, or life-destroying accident. On...
KRS Estate Planning Ltd Review: That could allow other firms and even clickbait sites (which we cover in #krs this article< a>) to be listed at the top of search results instead. class="infoquote "As well as English, I can also offer advice in Gujarati and Hindi, both of which I am fluent in."< div...
Lefevres Law Review: There is another website at which seems to be an individual site for their Aberdeen office. Sometimes even all the images look the same. That way when you search our database for help in your area we can show you everything such as a regular high...
Mackenzie Jones Solicitor Review: But also maybe some they don't, yet should. People simply aren't as quick to discuss their divorce, criminal defence, bankruptcy, etc. That means not just the regular high street solicitor but also barristers for direct access, accountants where a solicitor might not be ne...
Mckie Legal Review: We like to see firm's bragging about being a stalwart local fixture. Most scammers target law firm clients that will be making a payment to their solicitor. The use of trading names is not something to worry about . Not vice versa. Mckie Legal is named after the firm'...
Michael Leighton Jones Review: class="infoquote "We offer a full range of legal services for both individuals and businesses whether large or small not only in the South Wales Valleys but also nationwide."< div> That's another huge thing to watch for when choosing a firm. Whilst we try not to o...
Milners Solicitors Review: If they sound a little different or slightly more zealous than the reviews you typically see on third party boards such a Google, Trustpilot, or Yelp - we'd agree, but that's actually very common. They also handle commercial matters including Business Disputes, Comm...
MJV & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: It dawned on us straight off the bat with this statement on the front page of the firm's website: class="infoquote "MJV Co is a firm of Blackpool Solicitors working across the Fylde Coast, including Lytham, Cleveleys, Bispham, Poulton-le-Fylde and Fleetwood who are ow...
My Law Matters Review: class="infoquote "our team have years of experience and offer a wide range of legal services"< div> A quick note on navigation as we're dealing with a trading name and one with three generic keywords in it: 'my', 'law', and 'matters'. This can be to highlight a...
OneLaw Chambers Review: We ran a poll last year, though, which came back that only 8% of people trusted company-provided testimonials. When a company posts positive feedback they've received on their own website pages, it's usually listed as 'testimonials'. According to the law society website they...
Pacific Law Review: However the risks are minimal as the majority of scams involved the legal industry https: news 18674736.cornwall-property-sale-fraudsters-scam-14-000-penryn " focus around the property market< a> and the huge deposits people end up accidentally pa...
Rose Fendlen Law Review: It seems that communication is good and there is definitely some feedback about Rose Fendlen's goal of displaying geniune compassion for their clients. Make sure to listen carefully to the options provided and don't assume both will apply to your case.. None of the variant...
Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors Review: In fact the review on Yelp wasn't even about the correct firm, but the link to it still popped up in the top search results when searching for reviews about them. The usual amount is 25% of the settlement. But keep in mind that a good lawyer that gets you £5000 compensation ...
Simper Law Ltd Review: If you https: office 594891 simper-law-limited" check out the page< a> for any firm registered with them you'll be shown alternate contact details, other office locations, languages spoken, and more. That's a big reason to make sure you're on...
Smith and Graham Solicitors Review: People have ended up https: news homes-property home-buyers-warned-scam-could-21957792" handing over tens of thousands of pounds< a> to fraudsters something based on nothing more than an official-looking email saying they need to pay the house deposi...
Brown and Co Solicitors Review: This snippet from the Brown & Co website is far more confrontational about the bad alternatives available and not the typical vague sales pitch. To check the individual experience amongst law professionals there is a great resource on The Law Society of England & Wales' ...
Springle & Co Solicitors Review:
At one point, more than two thirds of people were dying without leaving a will . But there are some sources you can check with. Springle's reviews were all positive at the time of writing this. But as more and more people switch from high street companies to see...
Stowe Family Law Review: So you can't just go on Google, type the firm name, and see all reviews in this instance. The official site we link to above is with not currently showing any firm. < p> align="center images l stowe_family_law-stowefamilylaw...
Summerfield Browne Solicitors Review: Rather than several lawyers all working within the same town - they have office based staff but also a team of home-working legal professionals spread across England. A mix of seasoned professional alongside fresh legs. How do you check that? The best resource we've found so...
Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: On this occasion though all the https: office 563652 young-and-co-solicitors-limited" information is listed< a> under the main branding parent firm in the group called Young & Co Solicitors. For example, if you saw a negative 1-star review for...
Taylor Price Solicitors Review:
It's also true that reading the positive comments can be enlightening as well. (No, really.
class="infoquote "Taylor Price Solicitors LLP was established in 2015 and currently operates through two offices based in Manchester and Leeds."< div>
In the face of...
Thaxted Legal Ltd Review:
We don't often give out specific advice in these articles.
class="infoquote "We are specialist immigration firm based in London, UK, experienced and dedicated to providing quality service to corporate and private clients."< div>
This snippet from the Thaxt...
Stephanie Heijdra Review: Barristers are setup quite differently to regular law offices in that there typically aren't official physical law offices to go back and forth to. However some of the reviews on her site are provided by peers she has worked with on cases. As you may have gathered from the n...
The Legal Practice Ltd Review: The majority will have a huge chunk of negative comments. For example searching for both Rickmansworth and Wembley London could provide a better overview. So whilst there is no solicitor in the firm with the full 50 years' experience, we certainly can't say they are lacking ...
Trojan Solicitors Ltd Review:
These days there's a huge number of firms who have chosen to focus on a handful of sometimes completely unrelated case types such as bankruptcy and probate together. Thanks to the creation of the internet and the resulting modern day marketing - such firms can reach th...
ULA Solicitors Ltd Review: But the fact they still work with Legal Aid at all these days is something very unique. We've seen a sad trend for solicitors to start listing their favourite foods and pet's names in their profiles. However for ULA Solicitors there are plenty of in-depth reviews stating e...
WH Solicitors Review: Make sure you're on the correct site and only call answer numbers you know in relation to your case.
. You can see for WH their main lawyer Waleed Hassan has been practising law since 2011. Plus Google sometimes only returns reviews for a firm if you put in a location so ...
Two Harcourt Buildings Review: But of course they will all say that. Especially if there isn't much extra independent information to base a decision on instead.
. 2HB clearly has made no such misleading attempt with that almost slap-in-the-face attention grabbing statement. Such as one law firm we saw ...
Woodstock Legal Services Review:
class="infoquote "You will find us approachable, straight-forward and responsive."< div>
Unfortunately there is often a lot of sales-pitchy language on any law firm's website. Make sure to actually read the comments though and not just flick through star ratings. ...
Youngs Solicitors Review:
Normally we also praise The Law Society of England & Wales for their incredibly useful website (which is definitely is) but they seem to have dropped the ball a bit when it came to Youngs database entries. For example, providing some easily accessible staff profiles, ph...
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