![]() A disabled rights lawyer has claimed that parking charges in UK hospitals may be unlawful when applied to disabled drivers and that they could have the right to compensation. 37 NHS trusts charge disabled drivers for their parking and many justify this by stating that all drivers should be treated equally and that feedback from hospital patients is that this is the what they expect. However the Department of Health has pointed out that anyone who needs to attend hospital regularly should get some concessions. However lawyer Chris Fry has said that those with disabilities are being treated unfairly as they are more likely to need to park more often. He points out that the Equality Act states that policies should be designed with disabled people in mind with a view to ensuring they are not disadvantaged. Related Stories: Disabled parking charges unlawful - www.healthcare-today.co.uk Hospitals disabled parking charges may be unlawful - www.bbc.co.uk The Justice Secretary Chris Grayling has announced that a consultation will be launched to look into ways of making it easier for insurers to challenge claims associated with road traffic accidents. It is thought that independent medical assessors could be used to see if whiplash claims for compensation are genuine and this would allow more challenges to be made by insurers. It is also thought that some whiplash claims could go through the small claims court limiting the claims for compensation to £5,000. The government have pointed out that there has been a 60% increase in personal injury claims in the past 6 years despite a 20% fall in reported accidents. Insurers have also said that whiplash claims cost them £2 billion a year. Mr Grayling points out that honest drivers are bearing this cost. The Motor Accident Solicitors Society have stated that the government needs to bear in mind that some claims are genuine. Related Stories: Government plans target cut in bogus car whiplash claims - www.bbc.co.uk Government has forgotten innocent whiplash claimants says MASS - www.postonline.co.uk An agreement has been reached between the wealthy nations of the world and the UN which could see the UK giving billions in aid to developing countries. The UK has already agreed to give vulnerable nations compensation for loss and damage they suffer due to sea level rises, extreme weather and other environmental consequences of global warming. The UK has so far agreed to spending £2.9 billion on compensation for developing nations to help them adopt green technologies. Small island countries such as Cuba, Fiji and the Maldives have argued that they suffer more droughts and floods due to environmental damage caused by developed countries. Despite objections from Russia and the US, an agreement was finally secured in Doha this week and the details of the compensation to be paid will be worked out within the next two years. Related Stories: Doha: climate change talks end with compensation deal for poor nations - www.telegraph.co.uk Climate compensation row at Doha - www.bbc.co.uk The collapse of the spreadbetting firm Worldspreads and Pritchard Stockbrokers has meant that investment advisors will be asked for a total of £28 million in extra levies by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. It is thought that this figure could increase after claims associated with MF Global, Arch Cru and Rockingham Independent are assessed. The FSCS has advised that they have already had 1,800 claims related to the collapse of Arch cru and £5 million in compensation has been paid so far. There will be more decisions made on compensation over the next year. This increase in levies is in addition to the change in the way levies are worked out which led to an increase of £3 million for 2010. Mark Neale from the FSCS has commented that the levies are not set in stone and that they are subject to change. Related Stories: Investment advisors face extra £28m in levies - www.moneymarketing.co.uk FSCS levy hikes are unsustainable say advisors - www.moneymarketing.co.uk ![]() |
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