![]() When you go to work in a company, you would expect that the conditions are safe and that you would not have any health issues. But most of the injuries that occur to people are at the workplace only. That is the reason why you need to ensure that you know your rights as an employee in case you get injured while working. There are different types of jobs where you may get injured while performing them. Therefore, you need to be careful and also immediately report the injury to the concerned people in the company that you are working for. You also need to approach a doctor as quickly as possible so that he would be able to link the injury to the accident you had at your workplace. If you delay going to the doctor, then it would be difficult for him to do so as there could obviously be other ways in which you could have suffered that injury. It is the responsibility of your company to ensure that a safe way to work is provided. This means that the process followed at the workplace should be safe and should not cause any injury to you. Another duty that your company has is to ensure that the place that you work in is also safe. For example, if the floor in your office is wet and you slipped on it, it would cause you injury. This would be negligence on the part of your employer as the floor was left in a state that proved to be injurious to you. In the same way, if you trip over any loose wires that are running along the floor, that would also cause you injury. It is the duty of your company to ensure that all these are taken care of. Another aspect that your company needs to ensure that you are given the proper tools to do the work that you are given. You would also need to be given the proper training in how to use the tools. Only if you are given the necessary would you be able to handle the tools required to do the job in a safe and competent way. All these things need to be taken care of your employer. If any of these are not in order, you can always claim compensation if you get injured while working for your company. There are different types of claims that you can claim if you get injured at your workplace. If you are working on a building site, then it is the responsibility of the company that you are working for to ensure that you have the necessary training and to also give you the required protection. The same goes for construction site accidents as well. If you are working at a height that is beyond the stipulated regulations, then you need to be provided the necessary equipment to get the job done safely. You should also be given equipment like hard hats so that you would be protected form any falling objects. If you are working with dangerous equipment that can cause injury to you, then there are various compensations that you can claim if you do get injured. Depending on the kind of injury that you suffer, you can claim from a minimum of 2,500 pounds to 35,000 pounds. But you would only be able to claim for compensation if the injury is registered in the accident book in your company immediately. It would then be assessed how safe the environment was for working and you would be given adequate compensation. ![]() |
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