UK Help Organisations

Finding your way around is perplexing ... even for us, but we have tried to summarise each of the main organisations available:
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA): The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is a government organisation which is designed to offer compensation to any blameless ... - 01.06.12
UK Employment Tribunal Service: The Employment Tribunal Service is an independent judicial body which oversees disputes between employers and employees in cases where employment rights are being q... - 24.05.12
Citizens Advice in the UK: The Citizens Advice service ( is probably one of the best known resources for the average person living in the UK. They offer a free, impartial service... - 22.05.12
Legal Aid in the UK: The types of cases which are currently covered by Legal Aid in England and Wales ( include cases against the police for wrongful arrest, issues with welfa... - 13.05.12
The Law Society (Scotland, England/Wales, Northern Ireland): Law firms across the UK are regulated by The Law Society ( which operates in Northern Ireland, Scotland and in England/Wales. The Law Society offers support to ... - 11.05.12
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ): The Ministry of Justice ( is responsible for improvements to the justice system and is headed by the Lord Chancellor and the Secretary of State of J... - 07.05.12
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL): The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers ( is a not for profit organisation which campaigns on behalf of its members. APIL has around 4700 members which consist of barri... - 07.05.12
NHS Litigation Authority: The NHS Litigation Authority ( looks after negligence claims made against the NHS and its staff members. In addition it works to improve risk management practises to prevent ne... - 02.05.12
Legal Complaints Ombudsman Services: If you suspect that you have been the victim of professional negligence in the legal industry, the Legal Complaints Service or the Legal Ombudsman ( is ... - 28.04.12
The MIB, the MIIC and the MID: The Motor Insurers' Bureau ( was established in 1946 so that anyone who was the victim of an uninsured driver would be able to get compensation for any harm caused to them. I... - 18.04.12
Charities Your Visit Can Help: Use of this site helps support the charities listed below. They each receive a donation every month thanks to your visit with us and have done for the past six years. They were chosen as they deal with helping those for whom ... - 01.04.12
Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC): The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission or SLCC ( was established in 2008 as a single place to go to for complaints about the legal profes... - 23.03.12
Solicitors Regulation Authority: The Solicitors Regulation Authority ( is an independent regulator of solicitors set up by the Law Society. The Code of Conduct which law firms are expected to follow are set... - 16.02.12

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