UK Help Organisations
The number of organisations available in the UK for help with making a claim for compensation among other related legal services - is extraordinary. Not least because some can help you with only one aspect whilst over-lapping services can help you with that as well as others.Finding your way around is perplexing ... even for us, but we have tried to summarise each of the main organisations available:
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA): The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is a government organisation which is designed to offer compensation to any blam... - 01.06.12
UK Employment Tribunal Service: The Employment Tribunal Service is an independent judicial body which oversees disputes between employers and employees in cases where employment rights are b... - 24.05.12
Citizens Advice in the UK: The Citizens Advice service ( is probably one of the best known resources for the average person living in the UK. They offer a free, impartial s... - 22.05.12
Legal Aid in the UK: The types of cases which are currently covered by Legal Aid in England and Wales ( include cases against the police for wrongful arrest, issues with... - 13.05.12
The Law Society (Scotland, England/Wales, Northern Ireland): Law firms across the UK are regulated by The Law Society ( which operates in Northern Ireland, Scotland and in England/Wales. The Law Society offers suppo... - 11.05.12
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ): The Ministry of Justice ( is responsible for improvements to the justice system and is headed by the Lord Chancellor and the Secretary of Stat... - 07.05.12
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL): The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers ( is a not for profit organisation which campaigns on behalf of its members. APIL has around 4700 members which consist of... - 07.05.12
NHS Litigation Authority: The NHS Litigation Authority ( looks after negligence claims made against the NHS and its staff members. In addition it works to improve risk management practises to prev... - 02.05.12
Legal Complaints Ombudsman Services: If you suspect that you have been the victim of professional negligence in the legal industry, the Legal Complaints Service or the Legal Ombudsman ( - 28.04.12
The MIB, the MIIC and the MID: The Motor Insurers' Bureau ( was established in 1946 so that anyone who was the victim of an uninsured driver would be able to get compensation for any harm caused to t... - 18.04.12
Charities Your Visit Can Help: Use of this site helps support the charities listed below. They each receive a donation every month thanks to your visit with us and have done for the past six years. They were chosen as they deal with helping those for... - 01.04.12
Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC): The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission or SLCC ( was established in 2008 as a single place to go to for complaints about the legal ... - 23.03.12
Solicitors Regulation Authority: The Solicitors Regulation Authority ( is an independent regulator of solicitors set up by the Law Society. The Code of Conduct which law firms are expected to follow a... - 16.02.12
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