Compensation News

Another Look Taken at Unfit Health and Safety Compensation Rules: New health and safety reforms could mean that workers will lose the right to sue their employer if they are hurt at work and it was their own fault. A study carried out by Kings College in London and commissioned by the gover... - 28.11.11
Compensation Paid and Apology Made for Death in Custody: The sister of a man who died while in police custody has been awarded more than £25,000 in compensation. In addition an apology has been made as the treatment of her brother contravened the European Convention on Human ... - 24.11.11
Bus Driver Awarded Compensation after Being Sacked over Consumer Website Comment: A bus driver who was sacked after one of his trips received a negative review on Trip Advisor has been awarded £2,600 in compensation. David Marshall worked for Rabbie's Trail Burners in Edinburgh and the trip in questi... - 21.11.11
First Bullying Injury Compensation Claim to Succeed: The mother of a boy who was bullied at school has received a four figure sum in compensation for negligence and a breach of statutory duty from the school. This makes Jed Winfindale and his mother, Stacey the first people in ... - 17.11.11
Tax May be Due on Payment Protection Insurance Claim Awards (PPI): People who have successfully claimed money back through payment protection insurance claims are being warned that they are likely to have to pay tax on the interest added portion of their claim. A spokesperson for the HMRC ha... - 14.11.11
Catholic Church is Found Liable for Priest's Actions in Child Abuse Test Case: A high court ruling has found that the Catholic Church can be held responsible for the wrongdoing of its priests. It is thought that this could make it easier for victims of priests to get the compensation they deserve. A tes... - 11.11.11
Illegal Immigrant Given Compensation for Having to Wait to be Deported?: An illegal immigrant has been given £17,000 in compensation after it was found that he was falsely imprisoned for four months. The man had arrived in the country as a stowaway and then was found to have committed up to ... - 07.11.11
Burden of Claims Costs to the British Public Still Rising?: James Dalton from the Association of British Insurers (ABI) has given a speech at a whiplash conference this week where he quoted that the numbers of people claiming for the injury has increased by 32% in the last three years... - 03.11.11
Homeserve Insurance Mis-selling and Pressure Tactics Finally Appear on FSA Radar: It is being suggested that the next big mis-selling scandal could involve the UK's "5th emergency service" Homeserve. The company has, this week, stopped all sales calls from its call centres amid questions regarding scare ta... - 31.10.11
Unfair Dismissal Laws Could be Changed so it is Easier to Sack Unproductive Employees: A leaked report from Downing Street appears to confirm that companies may be given the right to sack workers who are unproductive. The report suggests that the current employment laws are uneconomic and should be changed. In ... - 27.10.11
North West of England are No.1 for Injury Compensation and Claims Companies?: It has been revealed that the North West of England is the number one place when it comes to insurance claims which involved bodily injury compensation claims. The research conducted by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries ... - 24.10.11
£347,000 Bill for Criminal's Complaints about Dental Care in Prison: Prisoners at Wakefield Prison have been given compensation after they received poor dental care. The 24 inmates were awarded a total of £47,000 and £300,000 in legal fees. The Primary Care Trust for the area has s... - 20.10.11
Financial Compensation Proposals for Egg and Organ Donors: The Nuffield Council for Bioethics has suggested that organ donors and egg donors should be compensated for their agreement to allow their body parts to be used. A report published by the organisation has suggested that altru... - 17.10.11
Scottish Pleural Plaque Asbestos Compensation Claims Given Go Ahead: The Supreme Court has thrown out a challenge by the insurance industry regarding whether they would be required to pay compensation to victims of asbestos poisoning. The news means that more than 1,000 people who have suffere... - 13.10.11
Bonuses Being Paid to Insurance Employees Fighting Asbestos Compensation Claims: Insurance companies are being criticised this week after it was revealed that insurance executives who are fighting a legal battle to limit the amount of compensation asbestos victims can receive are taking home huge bonuses ... - 10.10.11
Fraudulent Insurance Claim Results in Jail Term: Insurance company LV= has won a court battle against a personal injury fraudster and is now calling for a change in the law to prevent these sorts of claims going ahead in the future. The proceedings were taken against Minaxi... - 07.10.11
Tesco Seeks £4m Riot Compensation whilst Unfair Dismissal Laws Change: It has emerged that Tesco has issued the police with a request for compensation for damage caused to their stores during the riots this summer. The compensation is for £3 million and comes from 20 Tesco stores around th... - 03.10.11
Women Offered Backpay for Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: It has been ruled that hundreds of thousands of women should be entitled to backpay in an equality test case involving Sheffield city council. The case was due to go to the Supreme Court next month, but the council have now a... - 29.09.11
No Compensation for Pre-Paid Cards Warns Financial Services Compensation Scheme: The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) is warning consumers this week that e-payment cards and prepayment credit cards are not covered by their compensation scheme. This could mean that if the company behind the ca... - 26.09.11
Milly Dowler's Family Offered £2m Compensation from News of the World's Rupert Murdoch: The family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler have this week been offered a compensation payment of £2 million from the Murdoch empire for the hacking of their daughter's phone while she was missing. In addition Rupert... - 22.09.11
Police Warn of PPI Compensation Scammers: Nottinghamshire police are warning local residents of a compensation scam which has led to hundreds of pounds being given to fraudsters. Callers who claim to be from the Ministry of Justice are telling residents they could be... - 19.09.11
Terrorism Suspect Compensated for False Arrest: A student who downloaded a copy of the al-Qa'ida training Manual for his PHD course has been paid £20,000 in compensation after he was arrested on suspicion of being a terrorist. Rizwaan Sabir was researching counter te... - 15.09.11
Sainsbury's Supermarket Turns Down Riot Compensation: Sainsbury's supermarket have said that they will not be claiming compensation for the damage caused to their stores during the riots across the UK last month. The retailer was badly affected by looting and is therefore eligib... - 12.09.11
New Libyan Government to Pay Compensation for Old Regime Terrorism: Prime Minister David Cameron has announced this week that he will press the new Libyan government to compensate the victims of IRA terrorism which was sponsored by the previous administration. Mr Cameron made the announcement... - 08.09.11
Retailers Hit Out Against Compensation Culture: A woman from Crynant in South Wales has been offered compensation and a new washing machine after her old one exploded just moments after her son walked past it. The Hoover-Candy machine is one of eight others which have suff... - 05.09.11
215 million Paid out in PPI Miss-selling so far This Year: Figures released by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) have shown that £215 million in compensation payments have been paid to victims of PPI miss-selling in the first half of this year alone. The cash was paid out ... - 02.09.11
Compensation Claim for Disability Discrimination Dismissed: A worker from Yardley Birmingham has lost his case against his employers for compensation after he was made redundant. David Fletcher claimed that the was the only person to be made redundant from Map UK Ltd because he was di... - 30.08.11
Admiral Blames Compensation Claims but is Against Referral Fee Ban?: Admiral insurance have suffered a 12% drop in share prices which has been blamed on the rise in compensation claims relating to car accidents. However a growth in referral fees for these compensation claims have been singled ... - 25.08.11
Weight Loss Drug Acomplia Linked to Depression and Suicide: Patients who were prescribed a drug for weight loss are taking legal action after it turned out the drug led to them becoming suicidal and depressed. The drug, Acomplia was taken off the market two years ago after claims it c... - 22.08.11
40,000 Women Receive Potentially Faulty Operation: The NHS is facing a huge number of compensation claims after it has been found that an operation designed to improve the incontinence which can come from childbirth has left women with worse health issues. Up to 40,000 women ... - 18.08.11
14.5million Paid in Compensation to Asylum Seekers and Immigrants: New figures released by the UK Border Agency have revealed that a total of £14.2 million was paid out last year in compensation and legal costs to asylum seekers and immigrants. This is £2 million more than the pr... - 15.08.11
Riot Compensation Promises & Milly Dowler Killer to Claim for Injuries: Homeowners and businesses affected by the riots which have taken place this week all over the UK have been reassured by The Association of British Insurers that their claims for compensation will be paid and that the Home Sec... - 11.08.11
The "threat" of potential compensation claims do not make UK services work safer: Five patients of an orthopaedic doctor Manjit Bharma have been awarded £750,000 compensation after they were left with permanent mobility problems following surgery. The doctor is still working within the NHS despite th... - 08.08.11
It's been a down and dirty week in the compensation industry: Victims of the nuclear testing carried out by the government in the Pacific during the 1950's have come one step closer to receiving compensation this week. They have been given permission by the Supreme Court to argue for th... - 01.08.11
UK Paying Compensation Around the World - (The Daily Mail must be drooling over such stories!): The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed this week that it has paid £100,000 in compensation to the family of a teenager in Iraq who died of drowning near Basra while in the custody of UK troops. It was found that th... - 25.07.11
Claims Company Apps on the Rise & Insurers Next PPI Claim Target: A new app for the iPhone has been released which includes an unfair dismissal compensation calculator. The app is aimed at employers who want to find out how much they will have to pay. The app was designed by law firm MacRob... - 18.07.11
Fell into a vat of Curry? Fired for having a stroke? Far-fetched concepts now an almost common reality: It has emerged this week that council bosses in Brighton and Hove have paid £7,000 to a boy in compensation after he fell into a disused air raid shelter. The boy had climbed over the school fence to retrieve his ball a... - 11.07.11
Claims for Financial Failures such Keydata & Equitable Life Swift - Unlike MOD Compensation: The families of three soldiers who were killed in Iraq have failed to win compensation from the government after they claimed that the MoD should have provided armoured vehicles to protect their family members. Despite not be... - 04.07.11
Criminals have claimed over £10million whilst in prison: It has been found that claims for compensation made by prisoners in the UK over the last five years have amounted that more than £10 million. The figures were obtained by the Press Association and showed two payments ma... - 27.06.11
Prisoners get compensation, airline passengers don't, compensation payouts to avoid jail terms ... what's going on?: A new website is about to be launched to help airline passengers claim compensation which has been unclaimed. The website is called EUclaim and has been launched partially in response to the Ryanair announcement that it will ... - 21.06.11
Compensation payout figures and claims now seem to have the words "million" and "billion" in them a lot more: Barclays Bank has agreed to pay compensation to any customer who made a Payment Protection Insurance miss-selling claim prior to April 20. The payments will be made regardless of the circumstances of the claim and its validit... - 13.06.11
As Deliberations Begin over Capping Discrimination Payouts, Cheryl Cole's Expectations from the US Can Be Higher: A group of chief executives and other top management executives from a number of companies have approached ministers to suggest that the compensation awards for discrimination should be capped at £50,000. The men includ... - 06.06.11
For those of you who worried we'd end up like the US ... you were right: An Austrian aristocrat who spent six days in a UK prison has complained that he was not treated well and is now saying he will receive £372,000 in compensation. Count Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly was being held while he was... - 30.05.11
Compensation Likely to be Refused again for Airline Volcanic Ash Delays and the UK is the Whiplash Claim Capital: With a new volcanic eruption in Iceland, those who are booked to go on holiday in the next few days and weeks are questioning their right to compensation should their flights be cancelled or delayed. It is thought that the pl... - 23.05.11
Legal Fees More Than 3 Times the Actual Compensation in Some Council Cases: Statistics provided by councils on Merseyside have indicated that compensation payments to school pupils amounted to £50,000 between 2008 and 2010. One claim for £750 resulted from custard being spilt on the arm o... - 16.05.11
PPI Claims Go Ahead & MOD Compensation Increased: The banking industry has this week, confirmed they will be dropping their legal battle over the mis-selling of Payment Protection Insurance (PPI). The British Bankers Association (BBA) have said they will not appeal against t... - 10.05.11

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