Compensation News

Small Claims Changes Petition: A Facebook group has been set up to make people more aware of a change to the small claims court system which will result in fewer cases being able to be made using the small claims court. Members of the public are being enco... - 03.06.12
Train & Flight Disruption Compensation: London tube passengers who suffered disruption last week will be able to ask for compensation over and above the refund of their ticket price. Some passengers were forced to walk along the tracks to safety and others s... - 31.05.12
Liverpool is UK's Whiplash Claiming Capital: A study conducted by the Financial Times has revealed that Liverpool is the whiplash capital of the UK. In fact there has been one compensation claim for whiplash for every 50 residents of the city. Other parts of the ... - 28.05.12
Holiday Company Pays Out on Sickness Claim: A man from Cleethropes has said he will never travel again after he feared for his life during a recent holiday. Colin Binns has received more than £1,000 in compensation after he ended up with severe food poison... - 24.05.12
Judge Decides "Lost Love and Affection" Claim Invalid: A man who claimed compensation from the NHS for a medical mistake which cost the life of his wife has had part of his payment taken from him after it emerged he had been cheating on his wife. An error by paramedics who... - 21.05.12
Employer Sexual Harassment Results in £10,000 Judgement: A former barmaid has won a compensation payment of £10,000 at an employment tribunal after she was told by her boss to wear a push-up bra to boost trade and was constantly subjected to other degrading comments. K... - 17.05.12
Administrator Wins Sexual Harassment Claim: A woman who worked as an administrator for a doctor has been awarded more than £45,000 in compensation after it was found she was subjected to unwanted sexual advances from her boss. Vanessa Turley worked at the ... - 14.05.12
Bristol Water Pay Compensation for Asbestos Death of Worker: A woman from Somerset has been awarded £290,000 in compensation from her husband's former employer after he died of cancer which was associated with asbestos poisoning. David Bean had worked for Bristol Water as ... - 10.05.12
UK Compensation Culture No Longer a Concern for Scouts?: Despite fears about health and safety and potential compensation claims, the Scout Association has decided to run their Bob-a-Job scheme this year for the first time in ten years. The scheme was scrapped a decade ago d... - 07.05.12
Holiday Compensation Claims for Illness: The holiday company Thompson has been taken to court by eight holidaymakers who had their cruise ruined by food poisoning and unhygienic conditions on board their luxury cruise liner. The passengers are asking for comp... - 03.05.12
Ken Clarke to Address Age-Old Problem in Claiming Industry: The government has said that it will be clamping down on the whiplash compensation issue which is thought to add £90 to every car insurance premium. Ken Clarke, the Justice Secretary has said that he is shocked b... - 30.04.12
UK Excessive Whiplash Injury Claims Need to Stop says ABI: The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has stated that people should not be able to claim compensation for whiplash unless objective evidence can be given that an injury has been caused. Furthermore they have said t... - 26.04.12 & Which? Speak Out About PPI: A survey conducted by and Which? has indicated that just half of those surveyed know that using a claims service to claim PPI compensation is no more successful than doing it themselves. Claims ma... - 23.04.12
Wirral Man Receives Payout for Wrongful Arrest & Assault: Merseyside police have been ordered to pay a Wirral man £12,000 compensation after they admitted he was unlawfully arrested and assaulted. David Ovien was out with friends in August 2009 when he was refused entry... - 19.04.12
Terrorist Suspect Claims Compensation for Torture in Libya: A terror suspect has claimed he was tortured in a Libyan prison after he was handed over by the UK Foreign Office in 2004. Abdel Hakim Belhadj is asking for compensation of £1 million after evidence has emerged which sh... - 16.04.12
Energy Product Mis-Selling to be the New PPI Explosion?: The government is to launch a consultation this week aimed at giving Ofgem new powers to allow them to force energy companies into giving compensation to any customers who are overcharged or mis-sold on energy products. Curre... - 09.04.12
Searching for Compensation Claim Loopholes: With new unfair dismissal rules being introduced this week, it is expected that the numbers of discrimination cases will rise. The new rules state that workers will have to be employed for two years before they can claim unfa... - 05.04.12
Employee Working Conditions for Apple Factories Under Investigation: The company which manufactures Apple goods in China has been accused of serious problems in a report this week. Foxconn was the subject of an investigation by the Fair Labour Association and it was found to have poor working ... - 02.04.12
CMCs Pushing "Have-a-Go" PPI Claims: The Ministry of Justice has started an investigation into claims management companies after a huge increase in the number of invalid PPI claims being made. Banks have been complaining that up to four fifths of the claims comi... - 29.03.12
Asbestos Compensation Ruling a £5billion Hit to Insurance Firms: A campaign which was designed to make insurance companies honour the compensation claims of asbestos victims has won a ruling for £600 million. It is expected that the Supreme Court will rule this week that the insurers... - 26.03.12
Council Workers Make Blind Ex-Soldier Suffer for Missing Strike: A blind ex-soldier has received a substantial compensation payment after it was found that he was the victim of harassment and inhumane treatment at the hands of his work colleagues. Andrew Bull was blinded during a bombing i... - 22.03.12
Sex Offender Seeks Compensation for Deportation Attempt: A Somalian man who says he was detained illegally by the Border Agency is claiming compensation, despite the fact he is a convicted sex offender. Bashir Barrow is currently living in Bristol where he has been since his releas... - 19.03.12
Insurers Paying the Price for Solicitor Claiming Fees: The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has released figures which have shown that for every £1 paid out on accident liability claims another 93p is paid out on legal fees. In addition they say that the current legal ... - 15.03.12
UK Company Sued for Belgian Surgeon's Error: The British Court has ordered that a Belgian cosmetic surgery clinic must pay their client £100,000 in compensation after her facelift surgery went wrong. The clinic, Elyzea has consultation offices in London and Manche... - 12.03.12
Warnings That Legal Aid Cuts Will Give Companies "Free Reign": Amnesty International has warned the UK government that the proposed changes to legal aid legislation could mean that victims of human rights abuses may not be able to get their cases to court. Amnesty refer to people who hav... - 08.03.12
Man Sues Google for Making him Buy a New Phone: A privacy campaigner has taken on Google in a court battle over privacy issues. Alexander Hanff from Privacy International based in Lancaster has filed a small clams case against Google for £400 in compensation. Hanff h... - 05.03.12
Even Couples with Children can Receive Prison Sentences for Fraud: A woman who claimed she suffered whiplash injuries in a car accident has been jailed for contempt of court after it was found that that car accident did not take place. Samina Bashir admitted that she made a false declaration... - 01.03.12
Homeowner Seeks £100million Compensation for Subsidence from Mining Works: The owners of one of the UK's largest stately homes are asking for £100 million in compensation as they say the house is being destroyed by mining subsidence. Wentworth Woodhouse is a Grade 1 listed home near Rotherham ... - 27.02.12
Baby Victim of Medical Negligence Receives Life-care Payout: A girl who was left blind and only able to feed through a tube due to a medical blunder has been awarded a multi-million pound compensation settlement. Hannah Louise Gudd was starved of oxygen in the womb during her birth in ... - 23.02.12
System for Guessing Asylum Seeker's "True Age" Changed: It has come to light this week that 40 children who have been held in adult detention centres for asylum seekers have received a share of £1 million in compensation. Legal proceedings began in 2005 for the children who ... - 20.02.12
Cameron Asks UK Insurance Industry to Fight more Claims: The insurance industry has agreed that it will pass on to customers any savings which result from the cut in personal injury legal fees which is being proposed by the government. David Cameron has said to insurers that he wan... - 16.02.12
UK Man gets Six Figure Payout from G8 Protest in Italy: A UK man is expected to get a six figure compensation payment after he was mistreated by police in Italy during a G8 protest. The event occurred 11 years ago in Genoa where the police were found to have beaten peaceful demons... - 13.02.12
Negligence in the NHS to Cost Taxpayers a Further £15.7 billion: A report released by MPs this week has indicated that the NHS is facing a bill of £15.7 billion to settle clinical negligence compensation claims. In fact this huge figure represents one seventh of the overall health se... - 09.02.12
Trying to Understand the Mind of the MOD Legal Team: A former soldier has been told he cannot get compensation from the MoD despite being asked to leave the force when he lost some of his hearing. Jamie Geary was a Coldstream Guards drummer and machine gunner and found he had l... - 06.02.12
Payments for Victims in the UK to be Slashed to pay for Crimes Commited Abroad: It has been announced that UK victims of terrorism abroad will now be entitled to compensation from April 2013. In addition the payments will be backdated to 2002. The change has been announced by Ken Clarke, the Justice Secr... - 02.02.12
Odd Compensation Amounts for Police Injuries on the Job: It has emerged that police officers have received £12 million in compensation for injuries received while at work over the last 5 years. However some claims have been for very minor injuries or the payments received far... - 30.01.12
Councils Still Fighting Compensation Claims on Occasion: A man who was taking a bath in his flat in Batley is suing his council for compensation after part of his ceiling fell on him. Chris Gawtrey received a blow to the head from a piece of plaster which measured one metre. After ... - 26.01.12
Woolworths Employees and Farepak Customers Still Waiting for Compensation: Staff of the now closed-down retail store Woolworths are to receive a share of £67.8 million in compensation after it was found that members of the Usdaw union were not consulted in the correct way when they were made r... - 23.01.12
Rise in Fraudulent Claims Takes a Toll on GP Waiting Times: Research by insurance company LV has indicated that the number of fraudulent claims on car insurance are rising, particularly when it comes to claims relating to personal injury. The insurer spoke to hundreds of GPs across th... - 19.01.12
Hospitals Handing Out Leaflets on Claiming Compensation for Negligence: Hospitals are being accused of hypocrisy this week after it emerged that many were handing out leaflets explaining to patients how they can claim compensation for their injuries. The NHS is receiving cash from law firms to le... - 16.01.12
Hospital Decided "Do Not Resuscitate " Without Husband's Consent: A man has received compensation from The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn after his wife was given a "do not resuscitate" order without his knowledge. Bob Hammond discovered the order on his wife Jean's records which he... - 12.01.12
Increases in the Number of Plastic Surgery Compensation: Latest figures from the Medical Defence Union have indicated that compensation cases against the plastic surgery industry are increasing over the last 5 years with nearly half of these proving successful. This compares to jus... - 09.01.12
Councils, Hospitals & Schools Complain of £1.25 in Legal Fees for every £1 in Victim Compensation: A Daily Mail investigation into compensation in the UK has revealed that education bosses were forced to pay a £60,000 legal bill as part of a case of a teacher who was hurt while restraining a student. The teacher rece... - 05.01.12
South Lanarkshire Council & Unions Accused of Gender Discrimination "Plot" Against Female Employees: A two year pre-hearing which was to decide if a discrimination case can be brought to the courts between low paid female workers and Scotland's largest council came to an end this week. The 2,300 women have claimed that the c... - 22.12.11
Woman Receives £2.2 million Compensation for Missed Opportunity to Abort Disabled Child: A woman who claims she would have opted for an abortion had she known of her son's disabilities has sued a hospital who failed to tell her about his problems. The congenital disabilities were not picked up due to negligent an... - 19.12.11
School Boy Receives £4000 for being called "Gay" and Wrongfully Detained: A schoolboy has been awarded £4,000 in compensation from the Metropolitan Police this week after they wrongfully arrested him and told him he was "running around being stupid and gay". Jules Matsson, who is now a profes... - 15.12.11
New Scare on Swine Flu Jab: The makers of the swine flu jab which was given to those at risk last year has been found to be linked to sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy. In Finland 79 children and adolescents developed the narcolepsy after being vacc... - 12.12.11
Have You Received Scam Texts Advising You to Claim Compensation?: A study conducted by the Direct Marketing Association has found that nine out of ten people in the UK find scam texts regarding compensation schemes distressing or concerning. The study of 1,000 people discovered that these t... - 08.12.11
UK Government Seeks Compensation from Iran: The UK government is to seek compensation of more than £1 million from Iran for the damage caused to the British Embassy in Tehran. Basij, a paramilitary gang descended on the embassy last week in an apparently sanction... - 05.12.11
Time to Regulate Hairdressers to Reduce Injury Claims?: Plans for a register of hairdressers in the UK has been turned down by MPs, despite a spate of severe injuries to clients by hairdressers who are either poorly trained or have made serious mistakes. David Morris who is a MP a... - 01.12.11

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